UAS Beyond Line of Sight Operations

UAS Beyond Line of Sight Operations

Many people in the unmanned aerial systems (UAS) community are envisioning beyond line of sight (BLOS) operations as the key to wide-spread UAS commercial use (Kestaloo, 2018).  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approving BLOS will catapult UAS operations into effective commercial service. 

UAS BLOS operations have advantages over visual line of sight (VLOS) flying.  Some of these advantages include pre-flight mission routing, emergency planning, operating outside the limited confines of human sight and economic benefits (Shelley & Andrews, 2015). 
An outstanding example of BVLOS UAS is the Global Hawk manufactured by Northrop Grumman.  The Global Hawk’s 130-foot wingspan, 400 miles per hour top speed and more than thirty hours of endurance are proving irreplaceable characteristics for many large-government operators (Northrop Grumman, 2018).  BLOS mission deployment includes real-time provision of actionable intelligence based on infra-red, daytime television video and laser ranging weapons capabilities.  Global Hawk is flying with NATO, Japan, the U.S. military and others (Northrop Grumman, 2018). 

Global Hawk maneuvering emanates within ground control stations (GCSs) located at Beale Air Force Base (California) or Grand Forks, North Dakota (Stevenson, B, 2016).  Pilots and sensor operators establish communications with the Global Hawk via both satellite (VLOS) and UHF (VLOS) transmissions (Air Force Technology, n.d). Air Fore Technology notes that “Data is transferred by Ku-band satellite communications, X-band line-of-sight links and both Satcom and line of sight links at UHF-band” (n.d).

Even though there is no pilot onboard the Global Hawk, human factors issues remain present due to human, on-the-ground support required during operations.  Specialized personnel deploy, maintain and operate the Global Hawk and each of those groups possess human factors challenges.
Some human factors issues arise out of transitioning between LOS (normal piloting) and VLOS (GCS controlled) operations.  Since UAS have no onboard human elements, accurate situational awareness (SA) is challenging (Pankok,, 2017).   Some BLOS operators have complained about a “soda straw effect” when determining SA via remote links (Pankok, 2017).  This effect may influence pilots and sensor operators to lose SA regarding adjacent circumstances both in the air and on the ground. 

The successful designing of GCS operating stations is an important human factor.  Since the aircraft are operating via GCS control, work stations must be large enough to display required information.  Designing control levers and displays for safety and effectiveness are key considerations for manufacturers and engineers (Pankok, 2017).

Integrating BLOS operations into American economy is the next major step in UAS development.  BLOS flights are already occurring during military and governmental missions.  Some of these BLOS flights have already occurred over the United States and within the National Airspace System (NAS) (Northrop Grumman, 2018).  The commercial implementation of BLOS UAS flights will permit world economies to generate substantial, additional income (Shelley & Andrews, 2015) and increase capabilities in many areas.

One example of BLOS UAS flights making a positive impact will be utilizing these systems in gathering data along power line and pipeline corridors.  BLOS UAS operating in these areas will reduce risks to humans by replacing manned aircraft and foot patrols along energy assets (Shelley & Andrews, 2015).


Air Force Technology. (n.d).  The RQ-4A/B Global Hawk HALE Reconnaissance UAV. Retrieved from

Kestaloo, H. (2018). FAA Allows Drone Business to Fly Beyond Line of Sight.     Retrieved
from            line-of-sight/

Northrop Grumman. (2018). The Global Hawk.  Retrieved from http://www.northrop

Pankok, C., Bass, E., Smith, P., Bridewell, J., Dolgov, I., Walker, J., Anderson, E., Concannon,   R. & Cline, P. (2017). A7 — UAS Human Factors Control Station Design Standards (Plus
Function Allocation, Training, and Visual Observer). Retrieved from
Shelley, A. & Andrews, H. (2015). Economic Benefits to New Zealand from Beyond-Line-of-     Sight Operation of UAVs. Retrieved from

Stevenson, B. (2016). USAF Global Hawks to Get Upgraded Control System. Retrieved from            system-428781/


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